Saturday, September 26, 2009



by Antara Davis
Sept.23, 2009

Today I experienced an emotional hit and I thought it might be helpful to share about my process of transforming the energies. The point here is not the gory details of angry relationship issues but rather the cleanup on aisle 9.  Let’s just say it was an energetic hit and run with a loved one and I was left with the messy aftermath and my energy spinning.

One thing I do know is that the work to be done is always the mess at your feet.  I am aware enough to realize, ok, here is the mess, and oh yes, I do have a goody bag of tools.  Which rescue remedy do I use? Here’s what I did exactly.

I left the scene of the drama and went outside into clean clear air to sit with my feelings. I was slightly numb and the feelings were swirling without words around me. Kinda of like being in shock after an accident.

Then I checked in, I just went inside my mind and listened to all the stories that were popping up – there were lots of thoughts of justification, anger, blame, sadness, frustration, hopelessness, hurt, being wrong, worthlessness.  I let them run around just a bit until I began picturing a swirling black hole developing from which I might not have an escape if I let it develop fully. Mental brakes – screeeechhh!

I lifted above it and it was then that I remembered that this morass of feelings and thoughts were programs kicking in because my buttons had been pushed. Push the buttons, voila, like magic, the programmed negative emotions arise in strange colored waves, and if not dealt with, the negative reactions surely follow. But being the awake and aware person I am (cough cough), my goal is to s-l-o-w-w-w the process down enough to get at my own control panel and stop the unconscious programming from wreaking havoc in
my body, mind, and spirit. 

From previous experience I know that EFT works – that is, tapping on the body’s meridians while acknowledging the emotions/feelings/traumas and stating you still completely and totally love and accept yourself exactly as you are.  Because this is such a simple process, needing no one else, and needing no props and little time, I find it an extremely valuable tool and this day it became an integral part of my soul-ution.

So,  tissue in hand, sitting on my upstairs deck surrounded by the greenery of my garden and neighboring park, I began the process of tapping all my feelings out.  I did 3 rounds, each time with new feelings arising and releasing.  Tears would flow when I hit the deeper older belief systems, and I would keep going until it lifted.  The energy became lighter and lighter. I know I am done with the process when I can tell myself the story and have no charge about it. The charge is gone. Whomsoever discovered this process deserves a Nobel Inner-Peace Prize.

This whole episode of sitting on my deck in the noon sun, sad and tapping away, was also an opportunity to observe how the universe was loving and supporting me through this process. There was definite  Totem magic happening - Hummingbird, bringer of joy, hummed, chirped, and fluttered before me. Dragonfly, reminder of the illusion of maya, zipped and hovered directly before me several times. Twice, the Monarch butterfly flitted past my deck and stopped on a nearby bush. The butterfly is the symbol of shifting forms and transformation. 

And, as if that wasn’t enough, a magical flute player, whom I couldn’t physically see, but heard as if he was on the other side of my fence, played a 1 minute solo for me.  The magical flute player did not play approaching my house, it did not play walking away from my house, it only played directly in front of my house. It was a unique flute song, happy and atypical and it had my full attention. When it stopped I listened for steps walking away yet there were no sounds whatsoever other than birds chirping. the song was a real physical sound, like the tapping of my keys. At the realization of this gift, my body began shaking from its core and I felt a rush of emotion rise up and out of me. The feelings were deep gratitude that I was being seen, heard, and loved by the universe in this tangible way.  How miraculous, synchronous, and perfect was this spirit gift? I just felt in awe, humbled, and deeply supported in what I was doing.

Moments later I held my hands out towards the ground and claimed, “peace” with several deep breaths.  Now I could re-enter my home and clear out any remaining energetic debris by saging the “drama stage”, and offering a stick of incense, candle and a short prayer of gratitude and love before my tangkha of Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion.  By this point I felt like I was close to the original space I was in before said drama-trauma.  My cleanup process so far had taken less than 30 minutes.

Still I felt there was more work to be done. Checking in with myself, I felt I had released emotions and swept up the debris,  but now I wanted to call in lots of light. I wanted to shift and LIFT.  So what to do next, I ask my Inner-Peace-Prize winner. The answer was to listen to some healing meditations I had recorded in my own voice that transform the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.  By the end of these, I had additional clearouts, new energy rushing through me, and I was vibrating at a much higher frequency. Here I can recommend a cd by Deepak Chopra and a healing meditation by PatriciaCota-Robles as very effective.

So here I am, 1 hour and half later, at the other end of all this process, writing about it while it is so fresh. Why? I guess I want to have a reminder in black and white that I am capable of mastering the storms that come at me. I want to always remember the help that is ever present, gifting me with love and support and manifesting in my environment constantly. And to honor that presence, engage it, and always forever appreciate it.  

There is not one person alive that does not have this presence too.  The help is there – it comes in endless forms, look for signs, it could be as simple as the kind lick of your four-legged friend. See it , hear it, feel it. Love is everywhere.

Remember the tools you have gathered to weather these times– know what works for you. Polish them. Use them. You do not need a drama-trauma to shift and lift your energetic and physical forms. Blessings to you on your own journey of healing and transformation.
We are all one,
Autumn Equinox 2009

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