After all the reading, downloading, listening, and viewing of the information surfacing at this time, this is what I have concluded about the paradigm shift. It’s happening. All the lies are being revealed. The ones who are looking for the truth are finding it and spreading it and the shadows are scurrying away.
The spreading of truth is a contagious flame, fanned courtesy of the internet (talk shows, forums, youtube videos, whistleblower testimonies, etc etc.). The internet is a way of knowing and it links humanity in a way like never before, removing all middle man filters and giving us a direct connect with information and each other. The truths are coming out, rising up and spreading. In this way, the curtains are being pulled back and we see who are at the control panels and what delusions are being projected in this hologram of life.
We are witnessing the final throes of “deception and greed” attempting to keep the shackles on the masses by manipulating the media, generating rampant fears, and concocting 101 ways to diminish our light. The few at the top with all the money and power have up to now been fairly successful manipulating the unaware masses by squashing truth about anything that gives us clear minds, healthy bodies, and energy independence (on every level). The problem for them is, it’s not really working anymore.
But hold the presses here. Despite what it looks like, this energy has spurred on the evolution of humanity. The blinders are coming off and the lights are going on in our spirits, minds, and bodies like never before, and they cannot be turned off. Together we will throw off the shackles and rise up off our knees. We are far more in number than the few at the top. The attempts to keep us down and locked in fear are to no avail. It does nothing more than propel the awakened ones forward in action, in unity, finding the courage to sound our trumpets in every way we can. We have gathered the tools for years and we are using them. It causes us to ramp up our own light and shine brighter because we will not cave into the fear. We know we are eternal, we call in the healing light to ourselves and thus increase the frequency for all. We’re here. We’re doing it.
We are reclaiming ourselves, our planet, and each other as allies. We do this with love and visions of what we ALL want - peaceful communities all working in harmony with mother earth, awake to the power and unique beauty within each one of us.
I’ve been shown the future. I hovered above the land with my guide and saw the people below united with unbelievable joy and happiness in their hearts – so much so that it lit up the night skies above them with sparkling rainbow energies swirling like living clouds of light. What a sight to behold! So much supreme joy. I asked my guide, “what is this?”. He answered, “it is all of you, celebrating your victory, the treasure of your own happiness and true freedom.” The feeling was, WE DID IT!! I will forever hold this as my timeline of choice.
The great minds have given us the key truth - that our emotions, our heart, our beliefs are powerful beyond measure and if we gain control of our own energy in these ways we are free. And if we unite in thought & focus? Well then, we shall live our dream here, on this planet, in this form healthy and vibrant and free. This unified mind and focus is above all what I want, what I sense is needed. It is happening and it is the answer. It is the energy source creating our new paradigm – it is us, lit up from within, and connecting with focus. You want enlightenment? This is enlightenment. I see the old paradigm withering, panicking, and quaking in it’s boots as it’s very form comes apart and dissipates in the winds of change. OOH-YAHHH.
We are talking about an entirely new way of life, new way of being, new way of thinking – how huge is this? And we are alive to see it all, to be an active part of it, to shake the very fibers of our reality into something our souls thirst for.
Is that enough a paradigm shift for you? Me thinks so.
In the Light of Truth,
Antara 09-27-2009
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