Sunday, December 6, 2009



The Farmer's Donkey: A Fable for Our Time
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out a way to get him out. Finally the farmer decided it was probably impossible and the animal was old and the well was dry anyway, so it just wasn't worth it to try and retrieve the donkey. So the farmer asked his neighbors to come over and help him cover up the well. They all grabbed shovels and began to shovel dirt into the well.
At first, when the donkey realized what was happening he cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down and let out some happy brays. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well to see what was happening and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was shaking it off and taking a step up. (Shifting)
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he continued to shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, to everyone's amazement, the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!
Moral: Life is going to shovel dirt on you. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Every adversity can be turned into a stepping stone. The way to get out of the deepest well is by never giving up but by shaking yourself off and taking a step up.
What happens to you isn't nearly as important as how you react to it.


We had a blast last night sitting on a docked boat and watching the Lighted Boat Parade go by at Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor. The mood was so festive with music in the air, boat parties, throngs on the harbor, and twinklies everywhere. \

Brian & I met up with Michelle & Jason on Tony's ringside boat. We decided next year we are going to deck out Tony's boat.  The last photo has gorgeous Michelle hamming it up.

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Otter Heaven

The Otters are alive and well in our Monterey Bay area. My friend Lotus & I had a grand day taking photos of the wildlife at Moss Landing where the Salinas River meets the Pacific Ocean. The otters are staging a wonderful comeback and we saw at least 2 dozen cavorting and floating before us. Luckily the Parks people have roped off the area to protect them and the grand collection of shorebirds that inhabit this space. Look at this photo - the one at the right is posing just before the left one takes him down by jumping on him. Ahhh the good life...
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is a prayer I wrote inspired by a message from Archangel Michael especially for these times to assist us in raising our vibration and activating our DNA.  "You must ask each day, you will always be activated if you ask."  I wrote this for the benefit of all sentient beings.  If you copy this, please include this link: Antara Davis

Divine Mother Father and all the holy ones who assist me on my earth journey,  thank you for all your blessings and assistance in my life. Please send your healing energies to all those who suffer so that they may have health, peace and happiness.

I call upon Archangel Michael, and his Legions of Angels, to use the Sword of Truth to cut all that keeps me from living a healthy, positive and meaningful life so I easily create my Heaven on Earth.

I ask that you increase my frequency levels that I may receive healing light energies, and all DNA upgrades and activations that are appropriate for my highest good. I call in and activate the Divine blueprint of  my being’s perfection to manifest effortlessly.

May the veils of forgetfulness lift at precisely the right moments for clarity and understanding and so that I may be of the highest service to others.  May the divine energies, vision, and  creativity always flow through me.

With divine blessings, I live a heart-centered life, breathing and feeling my love radiating out in smooth rhythmic waves shifting my body, my life and my world into beauty and balance.

I exist in a great column of Light which aligns me to the heart of Mother Earth and Father Sky, protecting me from harm and keeping me connected to the loving powers that be.

Loving Ones, help me always to live in the knowing that I am a powerful, magical Being of Light, a Medicine Woman of Healing Wisdom and Love, a creator of a world of joy and peace and harmony, with beauty, health and abundance within and without me.

May I hold and anchor all these higher vibrations and daily invoke them so that I never lose momentum.

May All these requests embody and manifest from within myself and may all that I ask  be for the Highest Good of all .

May all beings be so happy.

Image by Mario Duguay. Archangel Michael's message came through Marlene Swetlishoff at

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's getting close to full moon and sacred ceremony time and I am excited to plan a great one for my spirit sisters. It will be about honoring 2 amazing old oak trees and then honoring our own innate wisdom and stepping up the energy of our inner/outer "medicine woman". We'll do some DNA activation, brain activation, and regeneration of our own physical and light bodies. Time to shift and uplift!
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Monday, October 19, 2009

Her ashes fell from the alabaster urn like pale silken powder into the jade colored river of Big Sur, CA. The eight of us stood silent in the shade of towering redwoods witnessing the final release of Jane Jackson’s mortal remains. Some of Jane clung to the riverbank mud just below the waterline while the rest of her moved sinuously downstream like a long serpent. Observant Crow cawed out in approval from a branch high above.

Only one of us had actually ever met Jane. The rest of us were here to support our friend who had spent the last 2 years in deep mourning and depression over the loss of her mother. On this day we had gathered for an intimate ceremony and it was a beautiful, poignant moment, both short and sweet. There were no tears. All the tears had long ago been shed. For the daughter it was the culmination of achieving peace in her own soul at such a deep loss. There were no regrets, no deep heaving sorrow this day. I felt like my purpose was to bear witness, to put some wind under the wings of a burden set free.

I could never really tell you of the deep dark valleys of my friends heart-wrenching pain. I once saw the jagged edges of it. I heard a red cheeked muffled cry long ago. But I cannot tell you of her journey through grief’s turbulent waters. What I do know is I saw my friend emerge out of the canyon this ruby-leafed autumn day, strong and confident in some unshakeable truth that lay anchored in the sparkly jade of her eyes. She seems to have shed this feeling of deep-alone that she has always carried with her like a bedraggled blanket.

What I saw this day by a rushing wide river, and what I heard this day by a fire that consumed white stallion words, told me that here is a woman who has come full term into her own, wearing brown mud boots and silver moon hair. Here is a woman who can pour her mother out like a fine glass of champagne and feel like, “ now all is well, all is well.”

The crows circled and sang that day above the red and gold maple trees on the hill above the river. And it felt as if Jane was hugging the very air we breathed. In one auspicious moment we felt a wave of peaceful bliss blanket us and the forest felt still and warm. I bore witness today to miracles small and vast like the many white pearls wrapped around Anya’s neck and I am richer for it.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is a Modern Day Shaman? by Antara Davis

(an excerpt from an article written by Antara Davis)

First and foremost a shaman lives in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky. A shaman understands that Mother Earth (mater, matter, the divine feminine aspect) is alive, that we are her children, and that all living things are our brothers and sisters. Because of this, a shaman never feels alone – one’s true family is all around you. Father Sky represents the vastness, the unseen, the unknowable, the Great Spirit. Spirit & Matter merge and we are born, sacred children along with all of creation. In this most fundamental way, we are related to “all that is.” This is the greatest harmony, the greatest connection and understanding you can have. You know your place in the universe, your true family, you see all with great respect and you have a deep love and compassion for “all your relations” in an unending way – beyond any boundaries, even of the earth.

A shaman understands the teachings and knows how to develop a heart connection and working relationship with the 4 powers (East, South, West, North) and the 4 elements (air, fire, water, earth). Combining this with the great above and below, (Mother Earth and Father Sky) and the center (our Sacred Self) comes the understanding of unity, oneness, the whole, the medicine wheel , the ever turning great circle of life.

From the development & embodiment of these understandings, comes understanding your place in the medicine wheel universe, how to walk it and use these teachings of balance. In this process, one can achieve complete acceptance of yourself as is, for you are a sacred child of divine forces.  You have a deep love and respect for these forces of the universe and you find that you are living in harmony with yourself, within and without, trusting and surrendering to that which is beyond our little egoic self.

A shaman lives in harmony with her surroundings. She recognizes that her surroundings are a reflection of who she is, and where she is at on many levels. If you are surrounded by beauty, then beauty is the way you live. If not, then there is your work. 
A shaman is peaceful and accepts what is, yet is constantly trying to make a more beautiful peaceful healed world in all that she does. In this way, wherever a shaman goes, whatever a shaman does, she is leaving a trail of beauty behind her. 

With beauty before me, and beauty behind me, and beauty all around me, beauty is the way I live. This is the motto of a shaman.... (for the full article, click here).

Saturday, October 3, 2009


My Notes from Lecture by Ven. Robina Courtin, a Buddhist Nun
Antara Davis

There’s what happening to you, and there’s what you DO about it.
That is the whole practice.   Just be kind.  Just be happy – very advanced practice J
It’s so simple but our minds are so complicated we can’t hear it. We have to slow our minds down so much just to get the profound teaching of “just be happy.”

What happens is just what happens. If we could just let that be, we’d have no problems in life, we’d be
getting somewhere – that’s actually movement. What happens and how we deal with it is the most amazing portrait of how we are and who we are. It’s also showing us with great clarity and precision the work that we have to do.

It’s our mind that creates our problems in our life. As we change our mind we change everything around us. How do we change our minds? Buddha gave us 84,000 teachings on this and each one is cleaning a different aspect mostly it’s ignorance and lack of awareness

ASK YOURSELF…What is my resistance to just allowing this from being what it is?
Once you ask this, it gets very profound, it gets deeper and deeper into letting go. That’s what happens when you inquire about this . Ask, what I am bringing to this that’s making it a problem? Then just let that go. Whatever is making it a problem is coming from the mind. It is perception, our way of viewing the situation. Everything I have any suffering over is because I am holding onto something. Ultimately there is NOTHING to hold onto, you can’t hold onto anything, it all changes, yet without truth and dharma we are stuck like flies on flypaper to samsara/illusion and delusion.

When you think you have reached your limit, realize that you have no limits, your mind has no limits. Any limits you think you have are just your perception. Know that whatever happens, you can deal with it.

Once you put yourself on the road of awareness and Enlightenment, theres no turning around.
Awareness is so important. When you are aware of your actions and the reasons for them, it clears the mind – it is the tool of clearing the mind.
-- First there’s awareness of your problems,
-- then there’s the practice to slow down to prevent it from recurring,
-- then there’s a clearing of the mind,
-- then you see life exactly as it is.

When you can be with things as they are, YOU are in control of the situation. Sounds crazy but it’s true. You’re in control because you are letting things be how they are and just deal with it.  It’s the resistance that keeps you stuck, it’s wanting to control, to manipulate that keeps you stuck.  When you are free from trying to control, you just dance with what IS. That’s what the DALAI LAMA does, its so simple, its almost beyond our comprehension. It blows my mind how simple it is.  It’s us who makes our life extremely complicated and we make life difficult, telling ourself some fancy twisty storyline with unending details and you can’t see how simple it is. Because whatever is, it just IS. No matter how twisted and horrible, it just is.

When you catch yourself before you do a negative action, you can change your mind. When you change your mind, you change the situation. You are not the victim. But sometimes karma is so strong its very difficult not to do negative reaction.

When ego gets attacked, try thinking IMMEDIATELY  “WOW! This is great! I’m so lucky this is happening” – you have to think this right away or you will get stuck in the storyline.  You have to treat your mind like a little child, training it in the beginning how to think correctly. Even when your depressed or discouraged, you don’t have to press the first domino, bring to mind your awareness because it dissolves.

A lazy mind is not working to generate merit. The mind needs to be strong to start generating merit. It’s that merit that brings light, dispelling darkness of delusions, and allowing clarity and enlightenment to happen.  So make the mind strong so you can change it.

Grind this into your mind: Be kind. Until it becomes your breath. It takes a lot of constant effort but that is what it takes to transform mind/life very fast.  Then once you have this dharma mind, you just stay with it through all life instances, stay with it. It’s the greatest adventure to find out about your mind. Your Buddha mind is never going to leave you, the adventure is to clean up the obstacles to find the freedom of Buddha mind that is already there. Solve your own problems, see things differently, not just for your benefit but for others. And then you become a vehicle for healing because we all need the healing.

The greater the hurt you have in your life, the greater the ability we have to transform.
When you blow it, the good part is that it cuts your pride, it shows you how much work you have do.
If you recognize the gap between your mind & BUDDHA mind? Then you see that’s your practice, that’s your work to change your mind towards that.

KEEP the Dalai Lama in your heart & keep checking in w/him
When you Wake up – think, what is BUDDHA gonna send me today?
BUDDHA is not out there. He’s in you. If DALAI LAMA is out there, we have a problem. The fact you can perceive DALAI LAMA out there means your one of the fortunate ones, that’s why you have to do the work, because it means DALAI LAMA is IN you, he isn’t really out there.
The DALAI LAMA appears in human body , and if he’s sick, it’s because of your mind, it’s because you cannot see him in any other way. You have to purify your mind to see him truly. Everything is screaming out EMPTY. And we can’t hear.

Learn more about this amazing dharma teacher here- Ven. Robina Courtin

Monday, September 28, 2009


 by Antara Davis  

After all the reading, downloading, listening, and viewing of the information surfacing at this time, this is what I have concluded about the paradigm shift.  It’s happening. All the lies are being revealed. The ones who are looking for the truth are finding it and spreading it and the shadows are scurrying away.

The spreading of truth is a contagious flame, fanned courtesy of the internet (talk shows, forums, youtube videos, whistleblower testimonies, etc etc.). The internet is a way of knowing and it links humanity in a way like never before, removing all middle man filters and giving us a direct connect with information and each other. The truths are coming out, rising up and spreading. In this way, the curtains are being pulled back and we see who are at the control panels and what delusions are being projected in this hologram of life.

We are witnessing the final throes of “deception and greed” attempting to keep the shackles on the masses by manipulating the media,  generating rampant fears, and concocting 101 ways to diminish our light.  The few at the top with all the money and power have up to now been fairly successful manipulating the unaware masses by  squashing truth about anything that gives us clear minds, healthy bodies, and energy independence (on every level).  The problem for them is, it’s not really working anymore.

But hold the presses here. Despite what it looks like, this energy has spurred on the evolution of humanity. The blinders are coming off and the lights are going on in our spirits, minds, and bodies like never before, and they cannot be turned off. Together we will throw off the shackles and rise up off our knees.  We are far more in number than the few at the top. The attempts to keep us down and locked in fear are to no avail.  It does nothing more than propel the awakened ones forward in action, in unity, finding the courage to sound our trumpets in every way we can. We have gathered the tools for years and we are using them.  It causes us to ramp up our own light and shine brighter because we will not cave into the fear. We know we are eternal, we call in the healing light to ourselves and thus increase the frequency for all. We’re here. We’re doing it.

We are reclaiming ourselves, our planet, and each other as allies. We do this with love and visions of what we ALL want -  peaceful communities all working in harmony with mother earth, awake to the power and unique beauty within each one of us.

 I’ve been shown the future. I hovered above the land with my guide and saw the people below united with unbelievable joy and happiness in their hearts – so much so that it lit up the night skies above them with sparkling rainbow energies swirling like living clouds of light. What a sight to behold! So much supreme joy. I asked my guide, “what is this?”. He answered, “it is all of you,  celebrating your victory, the treasure of your own happiness and true freedom.”   The feeling was, WE DID IT!!   I will forever hold this as my timeline of choice.

The great minds have given us the key truth - that our emotions, our heart, our beliefs are powerful beyond measure and if we gain control of our own energy in these ways we are free. And if we unite in thought & focus?  Well then, we shall live our dream here, on this planet, in this form healthy and vibrant and free. This unified mind and focus is above all what I want, what I sense is needed. It is happening and it is the answer.  It is the energy source creating our new paradigm – it is us, lit up from within, and connecting with focus.  You want enlightenment? This is enlightenment.  I see the old paradigm withering, panicking, and quaking in it’s boots as it’s very form comes apart and dissipates in the winds of change. OOH-YAHHH.

We are talking about an entirely new way of life, new way of being, new way of thinking – how huge is this? And we are alive to see it all, to be an active part of it, to shake the very fibers of our reality into something our souls thirst for.

Is that enough a paradigm shift for you? Me thinks so.

In the Light of Truth,
Antara  09-27-2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009



by Antara Davis
Sept.23, 2009

Today I experienced an emotional hit and I thought it might be helpful to share about my process of transforming the energies. The point here is not the gory details of angry relationship issues but rather the cleanup on aisle 9.  Let’s just say it was an energetic hit and run with a loved one and I was left with the messy aftermath and my energy spinning.

One thing I do know is that the work to be done is always the mess at your feet.  I am aware enough to realize, ok, here is the mess, and oh yes, I do have a goody bag of tools.  Which rescue remedy do I use? Here’s what I did exactly.

I left the scene of the drama and went outside into clean clear air to sit with my feelings. I was slightly numb and the feelings were swirling without words around me. Kinda of like being in shock after an accident.

Then I checked in, I just went inside my mind and listened to all the stories that were popping up – there were lots of thoughts of justification, anger, blame, sadness, frustration, hopelessness, hurt, being wrong, worthlessness.  I let them run around just a bit until I began picturing a swirling black hole developing from which I might not have an escape if I let it develop fully. Mental brakes – screeeechhh!

I lifted above it and it was then that I remembered that this morass of feelings and thoughts were programs kicking in because my buttons had been pushed. Push the buttons, voila, like magic, the programmed negative emotions arise in strange colored waves, and if not dealt with, the negative reactions surely follow. But being the awake and aware person I am (cough cough), my goal is to s-l-o-w-w-w the process down enough to get at my own control panel and stop the unconscious programming from wreaking havoc in
my body, mind, and spirit. 

From previous experience I know that EFT works – that is, tapping on the body’s meridians while acknowledging the emotions/feelings/traumas and stating you still completely and totally love and accept yourself exactly as you are.  Because this is such a simple process, needing no one else, and needing no props and little time, I find it an extremely valuable tool and this day it became an integral part of my soul-ution.

So,  tissue in hand, sitting on my upstairs deck surrounded by the greenery of my garden and neighboring park, I began the process of tapping all my feelings out.  I did 3 rounds, each time with new feelings arising and releasing.  Tears would flow when I hit the deeper older belief systems, and I would keep going until it lifted.  The energy became lighter and lighter. I know I am done with the process when I can tell myself the story and have no charge about it. The charge is gone. Whomsoever discovered this process deserves a Nobel Inner-Peace Prize.

This whole episode of sitting on my deck in the noon sun, sad and tapping away, was also an opportunity to observe how the universe was loving and supporting me through this process. There was definite  Totem magic happening - Hummingbird, bringer of joy, hummed, chirped, and fluttered before me. Dragonfly, reminder of the illusion of maya, zipped and hovered directly before me several times. Twice, the Monarch butterfly flitted past my deck and stopped on a nearby bush. The butterfly is the symbol of shifting forms and transformation. 

And, as if that wasn’t enough, a magical flute player, whom I couldn’t physically see, but heard as if he was on the other side of my fence, played a 1 minute solo for me.  The magical flute player did not play approaching my house, it did not play walking away from my house, it only played directly in front of my house. It was a unique flute song, happy and atypical and it had my full attention. When it stopped I listened for steps walking away yet there were no sounds whatsoever other than birds chirping. the song was a real physical sound, like the tapping of my keys. At the realization of this gift, my body began shaking from its core and I felt a rush of emotion rise up and out of me. The feelings were deep gratitude that I was being seen, heard, and loved by the universe in this tangible way.  How miraculous, synchronous, and perfect was this spirit gift? I just felt in awe, humbled, and deeply supported in what I was doing.

Moments later I held my hands out towards the ground and claimed, “peace” with several deep breaths.  Now I could re-enter my home and clear out any remaining energetic debris by saging the “drama stage”, and offering a stick of incense, candle and a short prayer of gratitude and love before my tangkha of Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion.  By this point I felt like I was close to the original space I was in before said drama-trauma.  My cleanup process so far had taken less than 30 minutes.

Still I felt there was more work to be done. Checking in with myself, I felt I had released emotions and swept up the debris,  but now I wanted to call in lots of light. I wanted to shift and LIFT.  So what to do next, I ask my Inner-Peace-Prize winner. The answer was to listen to some healing meditations I had recorded in my own voice that transform the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.  By the end of these, I had additional clearouts, new energy rushing through me, and I was vibrating at a much higher frequency. Here I can recommend a cd by Deepak Chopra and a healing meditation by PatriciaCota-Robles as very effective.

So here I am, 1 hour and half later, at the other end of all this process, writing about it while it is so fresh. Why? I guess I want to have a reminder in black and white that I am capable of mastering the storms that come at me. I want to always remember the help that is ever present, gifting me with love and support and manifesting in my environment constantly. And to honor that presence, engage it, and always forever appreciate it.  

There is not one person alive that does not have this presence too.  The help is there – it comes in endless forms, look for signs, it could be as simple as the kind lick of your four-legged friend. See it , hear it, feel it. Love is everywhere.

Remember the tools you have gathered to weather these times– know what works for you. Polish them. Use them. You do not need a drama-trauma to shift and lift your energetic and physical forms. Blessings to you on your own journey of healing and transformation.
We are all one,
Autumn Equinox 2009


by Antara Davis

I acknowledge the existence
Of  the Divine unfolding
of the Great Mother-Father-All-That-Is.
It is far beyond any knowing or measure
and I am humbled.
All doubts and challenges fade
in this
expanding light.
I am aware of the Divine Presence
pulsing in all that I see.
The greatness of All That Is
inspires this Goddess-fragment
 to serve and love ever deeper
All of Creation.
Desires for awareness of,
connection to,
and the serving of
Her Divine Will
makes it so.
My awareness of
 Divine Mother-Father
is the greatest gift I have ever received.
Because of this,
this chela’s will and the Divine’s
are ONE.
Two wings have joined.

--Antara Davis Sept.26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009


Did you know there are LEGAL EXEMPTIONS so you can AVOID VACCINES? Check it out.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Tips from Cheryl Richardson - America’s #1 Life Coach –
at the “You Can Heal Your Life Conference”
San Jose, CA  Sept. 12, 2009

  1. Get a buddy. We need a support system to make the changes we need. Good intentions are not good enough. She suggested joining a “life makeover group”. Links for that are on
  2. Contemplate your life.  Stop complaining and realize what is working and what is not. When you clean up your own life it becomes clearer how to serve others. It’s important to stop “doing” for a while and become consciously aware about how you are in the world.
  3. Disappoint people. Most people are conflict-phobic. It’s important to understand it’s ok to hurt others feelings if you want to honor your own soul directed life. Mastering this art in order to honor the value of yourself brings strength and power and confidence into your life.
  4. Stop being nice. (related to above). Most people when asked “how are you?” will respond “I’m fine”.  But “fine” typically means:  F.I.N.E. = Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional.
  5. Go Inside.
  6. Let Joy find you. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here's a video I just created to honor World Peace Day coming up on Sept.21. -- I hope it lifts your spirits.
For more info about World Peace Day, check out this site:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's ALL GOOD News

We all could use a dose of Good News - it's like medicine for the soul. Never before has there been a better time to restore our faith in humanity.

Meanwhile, I know I'm not the only one that complains about and boycotts the news media. It's pretty obvious there's a heck of a lot of fearmongering happening and sadly "if it bleeds, it leads" is the motto of news stations and news papers everywhere. I refuse to be manipulated that way, lose hope, or buy into it.

Who hasn't thought, "why can't there a good news channel?" Well I just found one - it's a wonderful website that had the same idea. Check it out: Why not write & upload your own good news stories. Woohoo - it's Genius.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gregg Braden at the “YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE” CONFERENCESan Jose, CA Sept. 12, 2009
GREGG BRADEN was humble and lighthearted as he shared about major discoveries that merges modern science with ancient wisdoms from across the planet. Below are my notes from his lecture. Later I will share notes from the other speakers.
ABOUT EARTH CHANGES: There is an energy source at the center of our Milky Way that affects life on earth. And there are vast cycles of how our planet physically moves in relation to this energy source/the center of our galaxy. And where our planet is in those moving cycles of time and space location determines how we are influenced.
Right now we are at the end of the 5th of 5 World Age cycles that make up one cycle of 25,626 years, called the Great Cycle. This 5th cycle that is coming to an end began in August 3114 BC and ends Dec. 2012.
The extreme global changes( reflected in climate change, species extinctions, wars, economic structural changes, health crises etc) are occurring because we are living during the end of a 5,125 year World Age cycle AND the ending of at 25,626 year planet procession or Great Cycle. This places our planets position in direct alignment with the galactic core and the electromagnetic energy that pulses from therein. This energy affects everything in its path, including us physically, right to our core. So while he spoke about the great endings we are living through he reminds us it not an end but a major beginning of new cycles, and thus evolution and dramatic shifts.
LONGEVITY In his global travels one of the many things he would research was longevity in the various cultures. He spoke of the wisdom coming from studying people over 120 years old. The core teaching is about how we handle our emotions and our environment. If one can develop a heart centered life, that is, to be loving and compassionate in spite of all the pain/suffering/loss that is inherent in life, and to cultivate happiness. He gave examples of generating happiness within the family unit/grandchildren and friendships, especially spiritual friendships. Hurts from loss can limit your life because how long can your heart bear unresolved grief and hurt? In this way, how we feel about our world controls our longevity and health.
POWER OF OUR HEART Science has proven that the physical heart organ (and thus what we feel energetically in our heartspace) is 100 times more powerful electrically than the brain organ (and corresponding thoughts). The heart organ is 5,000 times more magnetically powerful than our brain as well. This supports the importance of understanding the true value and power of our own heart center to create health and happiness versus thinking our way into those desired states[1]. And also it underscores the importance of knowing how to clear out suffering in our heartspace to achieve long life and happiness.
9/11 & POWER IN NUMBERS Gregg spoke about 2 satellites[2], one each hovering 22,000 miles ABOVE both the north & south poles that exist to measure the earth’s geo-magnetic fields. Both of these satellites recorded massive spikes in the geomagnetic field on 9/11/01 in the time following the World Trade Center disaster. Science has accepted the conclusion that the intense emotions felt by humanity affected the geomagnetic fields of the earth as reflected by the measurements captured by the satellites. It is easy to understand here the power of the hearts emotions that were unleashed that day when focused on this tragedy and how it was felt/registered at least 22,000 miles away from our planet. There are many groups that are working to harness the power the collective heart to bring about positive changes in this world and my favorite is Global Coherence Initiative[3] and Event Temples. They both coordinate people across the planet to unite online in a heartcentered way to bring about positive changes. There is power in numbers and the internet allows us to connect in an unprecedented way to unite and make a difference.
Learn more about the author Gregg Braden at

[1] All this has been documented by the scientists at HeartMath. For heart science & its applications visit
[2] These satellites are called the Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Howdy all – I’ve been getting a lot of good information on health from some great sources, have had good results already. Just thought I should share about 3 items in particular, especially vitamin D3. Long Healthy Happpy Life to you all - Antara
About Vitamin D3: – “There is hope for the Swine Flu – Vitamin D3 has been found in clinic research to be effective for both the prevention and treatment of influenza.From
I started taking it a week ago because I heard from several sources its an excellent prevention for flu of all types including swine, and to replace the need for a vaccine (no no no). Since then I have researched other amazing benefits – prevention of plaque buildup (especially important for the heart and the brain/alzheimers prevention) and the list goes on and on, one of which is for your teeth & gums preventing loose teeth and gingivitis. take between 2000 to 4000 IU of it daily. IF you come down with flu, then read this article about how to increase the dose and other items to take. (it’s by a holistic MD)
My D3 story: I did not catch Vanessa’s flu while caretaking her for 2 days. That’s big. Also, My gums no longer bleed at all. I’m taking 4000iu daily.
Norma’s D3 story: D3 cleared up her intense body pains she had for weeks, and she found that not having sun created the pain (D3/sunlight deficiency).
Tumeric -- Using the seasoning Tumeric (active ingredient is Curcurmin) has amazing health benefits especially for the heart, see this article which discusses a long list of other benefits and also about taking the D3 and Curcumin combo.
Activator X --Finally, the 3rd important item I wanted to share about was something called Activator X. Here’s an expert discussing it -- it’s fascinating research and is what is missing in modern diets. Basically its vitamin K2 that is found in certain oils/fatty substances and needs to be mixed with Vitamin A & Vitamin D to work its magic. You can google on where to purchase & other source info.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Praying for Peace

I am creating a video about prayer and world peace and making it through the "rainy" times that move through our lives. These are a few examples of the photos I'll be using. The music is by an amazing singer, check her out here:
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Watch These TV specials

Today I am amazed at the specials on Nat Geographic TV channel -- "The Human Family Tree" --"The Genographic Project" -- "9/11 Science & Conspiracy" -- "Decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls"-- "CIA & Mind Control". I will skip the last one after seeing the chilling trailer but admitting these atrocities is a step forward.

The 9/11 one gives the conspiracy "truthers" a voice but as usual the debunkers are emphasized. What was interesting to me is the guy from Rolling Stone magazine who had a theory about people who believe in conspiracies. It's all good food for thought as I hold all theories out for examination.

The Human Family Tree show had several points which struck me -- ALL people, if you go back 70,000 years, originate in Africa. The fact that all humanity is literally RELATED underlines my belief in oneness. The visuals are fantastic and there is one that shows you floating in a massive stream of ancestors that is really staying with me. The Genographic Project is impressive in its scope, collecting DNA samples worldwide to trace the movements of our genetic heritage over time. Yet I cannot help but question if there is an underlying reason for collecting all these DNA samples, and why is IBM involved. Curiouser & curiouser.

All these shows do repeat on the NG channel or are available as DVDs I believe.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Medicine Buddha Festival June 2009

This past weekend I attended a festival honoring the Medicine Buddha. There was a long slow parade up a steep hill accompanied by gamelan gongs and bells and brightly colored umbrellas. There were monks & nuns and holy lamas in maroon and saffron robes from afar who held sticks of incense in honor of the blue skinned Medicine Buddha. A 24 foot tall gorgeous Tibetan Thangka of Buddha was carried uphill then unfurled above vast waterbowl, food, and flower offerings.

Meanwhile, humming in the lower quadrant of the Land of Medicine Buddha, was the radiating bliss-energy emanating from relics from Buddhas and Lamas. The relics included those of Shakyamuni Buddha, all of which were visiting and on display. Much honor and reverance was paid here by the festival goers. We even had the opportunity to have relics of Shakyamuni Buddha placed upon our heads and special prayers said for us. This was an opportunity I wasnt going to miss. Especially during these changing times, all blessings and light from the holy ones are welcome. There are more photos here:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Irises in my garden

Today I took lots of photos in my garden. The irises are in perfect form, and the morning was gorgeous.
Here is just one of them. Their fragrance is heavenly.
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