Thursday, September 3, 2009

Watch These TV specials

Today I am amazed at the specials on Nat Geographic TV channel -- "The Human Family Tree" --"The Genographic Project" -- "9/11 Science & Conspiracy" -- "Decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls"-- "CIA & Mind Control". I will skip the last one after seeing the chilling trailer but admitting these atrocities is a step forward.

The 9/11 one gives the conspiracy "truthers" a voice but as usual the debunkers are emphasized. What was interesting to me is the guy from Rolling Stone magazine who had a theory about people who believe in conspiracies. It's all good food for thought as I hold all theories out for examination.

The Human Family Tree show had several points which struck me -- ALL people, if you go back 70,000 years, originate in Africa. The fact that all humanity is literally RELATED underlines my belief in oneness. The visuals are fantastic and there is one that shows you floating in a massive stream of ancestors that is really staying with me. The Genographic Project is impressive in its scope, collecting DNA samples worldwide to trace the movements of our genetic heritage over time. Yet I cannot help but question if there is an underlying reason for collecting all these DNA samples, and why is IBM involved. Curiouser & curiouser.

All these shows do repeat on the NG channel or are available as DVDs I believe.

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