We all know the power of prayer. We all know the power of group intention. If ever there was a time to unite it is now. We see what has happened to the waters. We look up and see what has happened to the skies. We know.
So people meditated around the globe today. I sat in my meditation temple and put on "Praises For The World", a CD full of love and light for our earth, and I connected with the Mother. I connected with the grid of lightworkers, and I allowed the music to open my heart with deep love for all creation. A rush of light and body chills covered my body and I knew I was being heard. I prayed for LOVE to conquer all, to make the waters clean and the land be covered with green, and blossoms, and the air fresh, and the food pure. For all hearts to be shiny again, joy filled. The music carried me deep into the love for the Mother and tears flowed with the purity of the sounds. Intuitively I heard that I was to share this music with Son & Pamela, the Kunlun teachers I was about to run off to sit in class with. Time was short. With a few prostrations to the beautiful Goddesses in the temple, I dashed out of the temple and inside my home and burned a CD copy for them. When I was printing out a cover for the CD, my mind was rushing as I only had 15 minutes to get to class, but this had to be done. So at that rushed moment, sitting at my desk, I closed my eyes and said a final prayer - that they know I gift this to them with so much love and appreciation and hoped that it be used to honor Mother Earth perhaps in some future gatherings. When I opened my eyes here was this manifestation (above photo). So beautiful! A rainbow heart and beautiful whitelight being is what it looked like to me, hovering, generating love like heartwings, complete with gentle green heartlights coming from its center. It appears circle within a circle (the earth). Logic tells me its just light reflecting off the CD, which it was. But after what was just done and said, it felt like love and validation. A thank-you of sorts.
Now normally that would be plenty right there. But no. Off to class. Towards the end, we are doing some serious meditating with particular mudras and all our eyes are closed. Flashes go off. Later people reported, myself included, that they thought they were being directly photographed because of the brightness. I could see the red blood of my eyelids. Most don't open their eyes, but the teachers do. One looks around and realizes no one was taking photos. The other sees a cross shaped light appear and disappear. After class, I give the teacher Pamela the CD gift and show her this photo. She says, "that's what I saw!" So amazing. What a day. Prayers sent. Blessings and presence returned. What a day, a day of loving our most beautiful Mother of all.
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