Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Days in the Life of Brian

This is a quickie video of my husband who is a master carpenter. If you need an honest person, affordable price, and impeccable quality for furniture or home upgrades and repair, make sure you call Brian at (831) 247-3360 and visit his new website: He can do it all!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Evening in the Lotus Temple

Sometimes I like to go out in the early evening, turn on the pink lotus lamps, the blessing abundance shells lamp, and experience the magical in-between time (after light, before dark) when the energies are shifting and mystic. Love...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Spider Magic in our Center

Here is some random magic that happens at the Lotus Temple - look closely at the spider web and you will see the letters M and W and then the word MAN. This is one of the most unusual webs I have ever seen on my property. Makes me think hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Share this video please

God bless the internet and the truthers who are out there with videocams and reporting from the scene telling us the truth that the media refuses to touch. Please watch this and share!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Today was the day all lightworkers were called to unite in prayer and good intentions for Mother Earth. Today is the day of miracles large and small.

We all know the power of prayer. We all know the power of group intention. If ever there was a time to unite it is now. We see what has happened to the waters. We look up and see what has happened to the skies. We know.
So people meditated around the globe today. I sat in my meditation temple and put on "Praises For The World", a CD full of love and light for our earth, and I connected with the Mother. I connected with the grid of lightworkers, and I allowed the music to open my heart with deep love for all creation. A rush of light and body chills covered my body and I knew I was being heard. I prayed for LOVE to conquer all, to make the waters clean and the land be covered with green, and blossoms, and the air fresh, and the food pure. For all hearts to be shiny again, joy filled. The music carried me deep into the love for the Mother and tears flowed with the purity of the sounds. Intuitively I heard that I was to share this music with Son & Pamela, the Kunlun teachers I was about to run off to sit in class with. Time was short. With a few prostrations to the beautiful Goddesses in the temple, I dashed out of the temple and inside my home and burned a CD copy for them. When I was printing out a cover for the CD, my mind was rushing as I only had 15 minutes to get to class, but this had to be done. So at that rushed moment, sitting at my desk, I closed my eyes and said a final prayer - that they know I gift this to them with so much love and appreciation and hoped that it be used to honor Mother Earth perhaps in some future gatherings. When I opened my eyes here was this manifestation (above photo). So beautiful! A rainbow heart and beautiful whitelight being is what it looked like to me, hovering, generating love like heartwings, complete with gentle green heartlights coming from its center. It appears circle within a circle (the earth). Logic tells me its just light reflecting off the CD, which it was. But after what was just done and said, it felt like love and validation. A thank-you of sorts.

Now normally that would be plenty right there. But no. Off to class. Towards the end, we are doing some serious meditating with particular mudras and all our eyes are closed. Flashes go off. Later people reported, myself included, that they thought they were being directly photographed because of the brightness. I could see the red blood of my eyelids. Most don't open their eyes, but the teachers do. One looks around and realizes no one was taking photos. The other sees a cross shaped light appear and disappear. After class, I give the teacher Pamela the CD gift and show her this photo. She says, "that's what I saw!" So amazing. What a day. Prayers sent. Blessings and presence returned. What a day, a day of loving our most beautiful Mother of all.
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Shasta Here I come

Have lots of plans up my sleeve for a mini-vacation to Mt. Shasta. Some possibilites, hiking the mountain of course, hiking to special waterfall, gathering special spring water, singing and drumming in a lava tube, soaking in hot springs, maybe get a reading... wheeee
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Thursday, April 15, 2010


Celebrate EARTH DAY
            With Antara EarthAngel Davis

Sing for all creation

Thursday, April 22, 2010

         6:30pm – 8:30pm
       Santa Cruz

Unite energetically with lightworkers across the globe and offer our drumming and sound prayers to Mother Earth and all creation. Convene at Twin Lotus Center and take a very short  walk to the neighboring oak meadow for a short ceremony. Then we shall return to the center for a more intimate sounding session.  

This celebration is the first meeting of a drop-in Shamanic Sound Medicine Circle which runs 4 consecutive Thursdays. Clear out your energy field, and recharge it with indigenous sounds & light frequencies ~ it’s an evening of vibrational exploration.   Different sound healing topics each week with experiential warm up practices, concluding with a freeform Shamanic Sound Healing Journey. No experience necessary. Open up to and flow with Spirit. Emerge energized and peaceful – a truly healing and transformational practice in sacred space.
Bring drum and/or rattle. Some extras on hand.
For Earth Day, bring one giveaway crystal or stone as offering.
Dress warm with sturdy shoes. If raining, will be indoors.

4 THURSDAYS – 6:30pm-8:30pm
April 22nd(Earth Day), April 29th, May 6th, May 13th
Drop-ins ok RSVP appreciated if planning to attend!
Sliding scale suggested donation $15-25/class – no one turned away.
Twin Lotus Center - (Davis Residence) 913 El Dorado Avenue, Santa Cruz, California USA


Antara Davis is co-founder of The Sisters of The Sacred Circle, a healing arts group, since 1988. She is also the co-founder of The Winds of Change, a shamanic sound healing collective who has held many community events and presented on radio and TV over the past 15 years. She was a member of Heaven On Earth, a healing sounds ensemble that performed across the nation. Currently she is creating with Laurie Miller, a new center of light for learning, healing and empowerment. – The Twin Lotus Center

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter - wow, what a strange trip it was. It was mostly gray like the day, a lil' dim, a lil' murky. It matched perfectly the dark-day troubles for some relatives of mine that I’m concerned about and certainly for the family of man.

About noon, I sat with my 90 year old mom to watch Catholic mass in Washington DC on tv since she couldn’t attend church.  I chose to just be present with the energies, witness to the pomp and ritual and my mom sitting on the edge of her chair. My little catholic girl self is moved and awestruck by the grandiosity of this vast marble palace where so many priests are bowing and kissing a golden bible with orchestral accompaniment , incense and holy water.  I'm struck by the man wearing golden robes and who walks with a golden staff and high pointed hat talk of the singular miracle that is still rippling through the universes mixed with his own prayers for those who suffer abuse from priests.

Wanting to keep my Mother-Theresa-Momma happy when the Mass was over, I searched around and found  Pope Benedict live in Rome. Thousands stood in the rain cheering. He appeared ill, lackluster, bored as he read greetings in different languages.  I wondered about the general funk in the air, that strange mixture of pain, suffering, prayers, and faith, even when the leaders fail you. And then slowly a wave of love for humanity arose within me – look how we can stand in the downpour and still cheer, still be happy just to be in the presence, and to be surrounded with so many who are also keeping the faith. Strange how the healing was coming from the gathered presence of the people, always beautiful to behold.  It’s this quality of humanity that moves me the most.

It reminded me of the overwhelming happiness generated from the crowds at Inaugeration day for Obama. Yes, there was a figure who was representing, but the healing came from the people themselves who allowed the flowing of love and HUGE faith that goodness and miracles are possible, and yes, they are coming. And the feeling that came from standing in that soup of goodness was why the truest of miracles and transformations was happening in the hearts of all who were present. It was coming from US, not the man on the stage.

Even still, on this holy of holy days for so many, I was a bit melancholy. Then later in the day kindness showed up. My daughter told me how she had gone to visit the parents of her deceased best friend on this day, the anniversary of his tragic death.  She’d shopped for them, made dinner, and cleaned up the small dingy home, crowded with mess and sorrow.  They smiled for the first time in 2 years they said. The funk was lifting the father said to my daughter as she drove them around on errands earlier in the day, for they have no car.  She had arrived there with her own heavy heart but came away lifted, enjoying the smiles that she had given them.   In the giving and compassion came her own healing. On this Easter day, a true death anniversary for her that she had dreaded so much, she became lighter. She made others lighter.  Miracles great and small.  The thing was, they had invited HER over, so who gave the miracle to whom? 

Nevertheless, on this gray rainy day, my heart was witness to light rippling through in many ways.  Like a rope thrown to the drowning man- MIRACLES from faith, from a love beyond our knowing, beyond personalities. I stood still and witness to the light rippling through all around me even though I never left home. Through all the huge sorrows and tragedies and shaking fears, we together are far more than that for each other, we are each others miracles all the time.  Our capacity to heal boggles the mind.

Love, Antara
April 5, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


Wednesday the sun appeared MASSIVE in the late afternoon sky, perhaps amplified by the haze. Driving towards it i felt no need to lower my visor and squint. It was pure shimmering stunning gold with the edges clearly defined. It's magnificence appeared to me otherworldly and I gasped at the size and the energy and its power. My reaction reminded me of when i would see a large harvest moon, but this time it was the sun itself, the magnified solar disk that grabbed my heart with its huge presence. I find it strange when no one else notices such things. We are so familiar with loving and connecting to the earth, and the moon, and yet fearing the sun's rays. 

It's time to focus on our beautiful sun and understand it's gifts and timely message. Here is a link to do just that, and below it an exercise to work with the energy of the Sun.

(by Aluna JOY YAXK'IN)

"The way the Masters work with light is easy, and here is how you can do this work. Each day at midday go to a private location. Ask that you are cleared of any negative egos and negative energies. Ask for the Masters' help by calling on members of the Brother/Sisterhood of the 7 Rays for assistance. This is important while we are learning how to do this. When you feel a calming presence and feel clear, face the Sun. Stretch your arms out to your sides with palms up so the Sun is hitting your hands. Point your face to the Sun and allow the energy of the Sun to enter your body. Allow the river of energy to flow all the way through you, down to your feet and into the Earth's core. Once you become a flowing river of solar energy, you are grounding star energy - solar energy. Now bring this energy back up though you and make every cell of your body a radiant SUN. Do not attach any definitions or ideas to this energy. Just keep it pure light. Once you feel every cell of your body filled with light..., give it away! Allow this energy to radiate out from you in all directions. Make yourself brighter and brighter. You can consciously send it wherever you see the need for healing. If you don't have any particular place in mind, just ask that the energy be used where it is most needed. I like this way myself because how could I know better than the Creator where the energy was best needed. I like putting the Creator in the driver seat. I just become the conduit.

The Inca Masters work like this for 1 hour at midday, but in the beginning, try five minutes to build up some stamina. If the energy of the midday Sun is too strong and makes you feel weak, use the energy of the rising Sun until you build up strength. Anyone can practice this everyday. When we build inner strength, we become more and more effective. We came from the stars and the Sun. It is humanity's responsibility to ground this energy from the Stars and Sun to Earth. This energy helps Earth and every living thing. We anchor this energy with every breath we take on a smaller scale, but when we consciously work to anchor the Cosmic energy to Earth, we become the powerful Masters that is our birthright.

It is time to take another step with this process, and the Inca Masters are ready to support any who wish to do this work. All we have to do is ask for their assistance. When the time of the great shift of the ages is near, the Inca Masters will return from the Golden Cities to re-inhabit the Earth. If we want this re-union, they say we must do the Light Work."  ~~ ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Great Mother Speaks...

by Oh Shinnah FastWolf

And the Great Mother said …
“Come my child and give me all that you are –
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness,
 Of your fear and pain. Give me your tears.
They will be my rushing rivers and roaring oceans.
Give me your rage.
It will erupt into my molten volcanoes
and rolling thunder.
Give me your tired spirit.
 I will lay it to rest in my soft meadows.
Give me your hopes and dreams.
 I will plant a field of sunflowers and arch rainbows in the sky.
You are not too much for me.
 My arms and heart welcome your true fullness.
There is room in my world for all of you, all that you are.
I will cradle you in the boughs of my ancient redwoods
And the valleys of my gentle rolling hills.
My soft winds will sing you lullabies
 and soothe your burdened heart.
Release your deep pain. 
You are not alone and you have never been alone.
And today when you journey to be together with me,
I can show you the fullness
and abundant nurturing  
which I have for you.”

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, and whose breath gives life to the world, hear me, this one stands before you, one of your many children, humbly asking for your strength and wisdom. Thank you for this day, for my life, for the endless gifts you give me.
May I always walk in beauty and gently upon Mother Earth, may our heart always beat as one, and treat with respect all that you have created. May my ears always hear your voice. Make me wise that I may understand your teachings that you have hidden in every leaf and rock and all of creation. I am calling for strength to stand strong in the truth of my being, not to overcome others but to fight my greatest enemy, myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with pure hands and straight eyes so that my spirit, when life disappears like the setting sun, may stand unashamed before you. Thank you for hearing me Great Spirit, I offer everything to you. May it be so, and so it is. Aho!

-- this is my variation of the prayer by Iron Eyes Cody for those who seek to walk in balance.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Master Speaks... by Kuthumi

I am a reborn saint
I am a mystic of the world.
I have sat at the foot of Buddha and attained enlightenment before,
Yet I return to assist others.
I am a bodhisattva.
I am a disciple of God being sent into the world to spread his light.
All my karma has been cleared all the way back to my origin in Source.
Within me burns the 3 fold flame of God’s power, wisdom, love.
I hold embers of his holy fire.
I am encoded with wisdom of all the holy books in existence.

I am as bright as the sun and wear the opalescent garment of the Adam Cadmon.
I am now walking in the highest realms with angels and masters.
I have received and walk in the world now with the rod of power and carry the torch of spirit.

I am grateful every day for the blessings and activations and clearings and encodings and empowerments I received from Source, the masters & the highest realms. And I have accepted them as true and real for me on the deepest levels of my being and so it is.

I remember to water my lotus crown every day with 3 drops of the waters of life, and I feed it with the fragrance of lilies.
I remember to call in the angels for help whenever I need it.
I remember to expand the Christ flame in my heart and strengthen my connection to God’s inner sanctum.
I am as the highest priestess of Atlantis.
Atlantis has returned.

written in Mt. Shasta during Wesak May 2000 inspired by Kuthumi