This is a prayer I wrote inspired by a message from Archangel Michael especially for these times to assist us in raising our vibration and activating our DNA. "You must ask each day, you will always be activated if you ask." I wrote this for the benefit of all sentient beings. If you copy this, please include this link: Antara Davis
Divine Mother Father and all the holy ones who assist me on my earth journey, thank you for all your blessings and assistance in my life. Please send your healing energies to all those who suffer so that they may have health, peace and happiness.
I call upon Archangel Michael, and his Legions of Angels, to use the Sword of Truth to cut all that keeps me from living a healthy, positive and meaningful life so I easily create my Heaven on Earth.
I ask that you increase my frequency levels that I may receive healing light energies, and all
May the veils of forgetfulness lift at precisely the right moments for clarity and understanding and so that I may be of the highest service to others. May the divine energies, vision, and creativity always flow through me.
With divine blessings, I live a heart-centered life, breathing and feeling my love radiating out in smooth rhythmic waves shifting my body, my life and my world into beauty and balance.
I exist in a great column of Light which aligns me to the heart of Mother Earth and Father Sky, protecting me from harm and keeping me connected to the loving powers that be.
Loving Ones, help me always to live in the knowing that I am a powerful, magical Being of Light, a Medicine Woman of Healing Wisdom and Love, a creator of a world of joy and peace and harmony, with beauty, health and abundance within and without me.
May I hold and anchor all these higher vibrations and daily invoke them so that I never lose momentum.
May All these requests embody and manifest from within myself and may all that I ask be for the Highest Good of all .
May all beings be so happy.
Image by Mario Duguay. Archangel Michael's message came through Marlene Swetlishoff at
thank you goddess for your insight and sharing words of love n light
When I read this gorgeous prayer aloud, I could feel the waves of truth and light coursing through my body. Thank you, thank you, and thank you again.
Thank you Melissa & Luvlygal - if you get a chance to read this prayer with others, it is very powerful. 4 close friends have called me to tell me this prayer has greatly shifted their lives, bringing happiness, balance, and a sense of serenity. Sometimes I notice all my cells lighting up, like goosebumps on the inside of my body. We have so much help available to us. Blessings to all.
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