Thursday, April 15, 2010


Celebrate EARTH DAY
            With Antara EarthAngel Davis

Sing for all creation

Thursday, April 22, 2010

         6:30pm – 8:30pm
       Santa Cruz

Unite energetically with lightworkers across the globe and offer our drumming and sound prayers to Mother Earth and all creation. Convene at Twin Lotus Center and take a very short  walk to the neighboring oak meadow for a short ceremony. Then we shall return to the center for a more intimate sounding session.  

This celebration is the first meeting of a drop-in Shamanic Sound Medicine Circle which runs 4 consecutive Thursdays. Clear out your energy field, and recharge it with indigenous sounds & light frequencies ~ it’s an evening of vibrational exploration.   Different sound healing topics each week with experiential warm up practices, concluding with a freeform Shamanic Sound Healing Journey. No experience necessary. Open up to and flow with Spirit. Emerge energized and peaceful – a truly healing and transformational practice in sacred space.
Bring drum and/or rattle. Some extras on hand.
For Earth Day, bring one giveaway crystal or stone as offering.
Dress warm with sturdy shoes. If raining, will be indoors.

4 THURSDAYS – 6:30pm-8:30pm
April 22nd(Earth Day), April 29th, May 6th, May 13th
Drop-ins ok RSVP appreciated if planning to attend!
Sliding scale suggested donation $15-25/class – no one turned away.
Twin Lotus Center - (Davis Residence) 913 El Dorado Avenue, Santa Cruz, California USA


Antara Davis is co-founder of The Sisters of The Sacred Circle, a healing arts group, since 1988. She is also the co-founder of The Winds of Change, a shamanic sound healing collective who has held many community events and presented on radio and TV over the past 15 years. She was a member of Heaven On Earth, a healing sounds ensemble that performed across the nation. Currently she is creating with Laurie Miller, a new center of light for learning, healing and empowerment. – The Twin Lotus Center

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