Wednesday the sun appeared MASSIVE in the late afternoon sky, perhaps amplified by the haze. Driving towards it i felt no need to lower my visor and squint. It was pure shimmering stunning gold with the edges clearly defined. It's magnificence appeared to me otherworldly and I gasped at the size and the energy and its power. My reaction reminded me of when i would see a large harvest moon, but this time it was the sun itself, the magnified solar disk that grabbed my heart with its huge presence. I find it strange when no one else notices such things. We are so familiar with loving and connecting to the earth, and the moon, and yet fearing the sun's rays.
It's time to focus on our beautiful sun and understand it's gifts and timely message. Here is a link to do just that, and below it an exercise to work with the energy of the Sun.
(by Aluna JOY YAXK'IN)